Intellij tutorial
Intellij tutorial

intellij tutorial
  1. #Intellij tutorial how to
  2. #Intellij tutorial install

Plugin will automatically download library sources (since Stack version 1.2.1 also for test dependencies). stack-work and dist) and which folders are Source and Test.

  • Check Project structure/Project settings/Modules which folders to exclude (like.
  • If you want to use later version of tool, you will have to build tool manually in project's folder by using stack build. Those tools are built against Stackage release defined in project's stack.yaml. ghc-7.10.2, you may have to build them manually since there are some extra-deps should be added to stack.yaml). Plugin will automatically build Intero and HLint to prevent incompatibility issues (If you use non LTS or Nightly resolver e.g. Wizard will try to automatically configure which folders are sources, test and which to exclude.
  • Finish wizard and project will be opened.
  • In next page of wizard configure Project SDK by configuring Haskell Tool Stack with selecting path to stack binary, e.g.
  • File | New | Project from Existing Sources | in the New Project wizard select Import project from external module and check Haskell Stack.
  • intellij tutorial

    Settings | Other | Haskell | add the respective paths to the tools (eg for hindent ~/.local/bin/hindent).

    #Intellij tutorial install

    (The plugin will install its own copies of Intero and Hlint) If other Haskell plugins are already installed, uninstall them before installing the Intellij-Haskell plugin) Start IntelliJ up and install the plugin Intellij-Haskell. ( NOTE there are a number of different mutually exclusive Haskell plugins.Download and Intellij IDEA IDE from and extract it to some appropriate folder.To install tools required by the IDE plugin for Haskell.

    intellij tutorial

    Go to the folder where you want to create your Haskell project and run (adding a folder to $PATH is beyond the scope of this tutorial, search and you will find) Use Stack to create, build and run a project Instead, download Stack from and extract it into ~/.local/bin (ie the complete path to stack should be ~/.local/bin/stack) and add ~/.local/bin to $PATH. Sudo apt-get install libtinfo-dev libghc-zlib-dev libghc-zlib-bindings-dev Download and extract Stackĭon't install Haskell, Stack, Cabal or any other Haskell tool or library using your OS package manager or using Cabal. (similar tools for other languages include Maven, Gradle, npm, RubyGems etc) Upon completion you will have a sane, productive Haskell environment adhering to best practices.

    #Intellij tutorial how to

    Haskell, Stack and Intellij IDEA IDE setup tutorial how to get started

    Intellij tutorial